A Guide To CBD Oil | The Range
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A Guide To CBD Oil

Within the last couple of years, CBD has suddenly crashed onto the markets. With many people looking into alternative medicines to make their life a little easier, the benefits of CBD oil has started to lose its status as a ‘weird hippy remedy’ and is suddenly getting attention from some more scientific and medical communities. It's even been prescribed by a few doctors here and there!

Before we move forward, we’d like to add a disclaimer: If you’re looking into CBD remedies for yourself, make sure you don’t forget about professional medical advice. While it can have loads of benefits, if you’re worried about your physical or mental health, you should always check in with a doctor or therapist. You can discuss your interest in CBD with them, along with other remedies that could be used in tandem.

What is CBD?

CBD stands for ‘cannabidiol’, and it’s the big, non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant. This basically means it’s one of the chemicals that makes up the plant; it can be extracted from the plant and removed from the THC compound to bring people the benefits of the plant. To speak plainly, CBD extract is legal to buy, sell, and consume in the UK (so long as it meets specific regulations), whereas THC or the whole cannabis plant is not.

What Are The Benefits?

There are a myriad of afflictions that CBD can help with, from mental to physical. Lots of people suffering from anxiety and depression state that dosing with CBD helps soothe both their mind and physical symptoms, allowing them to focus on improving their outlook on life. For those with chronic pain brought on by arthritis or common back pain, CBD can work as natural pain relief, which many people prefer to painkillers like paracetamol, ibuprofen, or stronger medications, all of which many people try to avoid due to not wanting to take too many lab-made drugs. If you have a skin condition such as eczema, CBD might be able to help with that too, serving to soothe and stimulate the skin. CBD can also be used to aid in managing epilepsy and is even being prescribed by doctors to all sorts of patients.

CBD is ideal for people looking to move away from medical drugs and man-made chemical concoctions. It’s one of the world’s oldest natural, most versatile remedies.

What Are The Side Effects?

Just like any medication, CBD won’t work for everyone. However, negative side effects from CBD are much less severe and less common than a lot of other medications out there! The most common side effect would be drowsiness or dry mouth, while a few people might find they feel some nausea or have a reduced appetite. Side effects are most common in the first couple weeks of exposing yourself to CBD, and will often die down if you continue to take it, and work up your dosage slowly. If you’re experimenting with CBD and experience these things on a prolonged timeline, it’ll be worth communicating with your doctor to explore your options. It should also be noted that it can take a couple of weeks for the full benefits of CBD to take effect, but this is the same story as any other mental health medication.


How Can You Take It?

CBD extract comes in many forms, all of which are pretty easy to apply. Read through our breakdown here and figure out which is best for you and whatever reason you’re considering taking it:

Oils: CBD oil often comes in a dropper bottle, allowing for quick, easy, direct application. Simply pull the oil into the pippet, and pour a few drops directly under your tongue. Using a dropper allows for super precise dosage, and will take effect quite quickly, although some people find its not the most convenient for when you’re out and about in public. Which is where edibles come in...

Edibles: While the dosage may be a bit more difficult to control, once you’re used to taking CBD, these can make it a bit more interesting. The most common form are gummy sweets, chocolates, brownies, or even dripping it into your coffee or tea. Edibles can be bought premade, or you can make your own by adding oil to a common recipe. These are a favourite choice of people dealing with anxiety, as it's easy to just eat one or a few when you feel that sense of dread coming on, and let it work its magic.


Creams & balms: Specifically great for skin conditions, these creams mix CBD oil with other well-known skin remedies and moisturises such as shea butter or coco butter which will give you beautifully smooth and silky skin. Creams also have the added benefit of not being ingested, making them ideal for people who want to venture into CBD very slowly and carefully.

Vaping: We don’t recommend this unless you’re already a vaper or smoker, but adding CBD to vape juice is a fantastic way of easing out of a nicotine addiction, as it helps soothe cravings, irritability, and anxiety that comes with quitting smoking. You can buy pre-infused CBD vape juice, or make your own by adding a few drops of concentrated CBD vape juice to your favourite flavour.

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