How to Get Fit & Stay Fit This Year | The Range
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How to Get Fit & Stay Fit This Year

When it comes to exercise, it can sometimes feel daunting to even begin, let alone keep on your fitness journey throughout the year. Things get in the way, and any optimistic goals can be overshadowed by the ever-present now of everyday life. However, there are some techniques and tricks that you can employ to make sure you get the very best start to your year.


Just Begun Is Halfway Done


Whether it’s Aristotle or Mary Poppins that said it best, knowing that ‘Well begun is halfway done’ is the first thing when considering what to tackle in the new year. Like starting a car, it is the first burst of energy that is the most important. Stopping and starting with your training is far more difficult than staying consistent and sticking to a routine. Even if it’s simply a walk to the shops where you might have driven or a couple of push-ups in the morning, it’s the first step that’s the hardest.

New Years Gym Weight Goals

Make Modest Targets


It’s easy to set your sights too high when planning a new exercise routine. Being tough on yourself or optimistic about your potential is one thing but setting yourself impossible goals is another. In many ways, it’s worse to feel you’ve ‘fallen off the horse’ than it is to underestimate yourself. It’s critical to set modest but sensible goals. Knowing what you’re capable of and what constitutes a ‘sensible goal’ will come with time. The most important thing is to record your precious goals, so a diary or workout planner is a simple, inexpensive way to keep track of your personal bests and routine.


Train Your Way


Once you have your targets and are striving to stick to a routine, staying consistent is essential. Pushing yourself too hard and too often will lead to burnout and a frustrating period of recovery, ruining your carefully planned routine. Discipline is more important than motivation when it comes to fitness, so anything you can do to make your workouts or runs as comfortable and easy as possible will be a huge advantage. Remember, there’s more than one way to train, and things like home gym equipment will make it easier to stick to your goals by giving you more options. For strength training, even a basic set of dumbbells and a weight bench will let you do plenty of exercises at home, and equipment such as yoga accessories are inexpensive and easy to use.

new years fitness gym

Bring a Buddy

Sticking to a routine by yourself can be difficult. Holding yourself accountable is possible, but it takes considerable willpower, a precious but finite resource that you should save for your workouts. Enlisting a friend with similar goals and a similar routine can be a massive boost to your mental wellbeing and reserves of willpower. That feeling of camaraderie and shared struggle has considerable benefits, but the idea of letting your buddy down by skipping a workout is often the thing that gets you out of the door. Likewise, joining something like a local running club is another way to keep yourself motivated and share your experience with others.

Recovery is Key

Many people forget that training does not stop when you get through the door. When your trainers come off or you finish that last all-you’ve-got lift, it is the start of your recovery; rather than the end of your workout. By making sure that you recover properly, you’re setting the foundation for your next workout. Drinking enough water, feeding your muscles, and even taking a warm bath is all part of recovery. There are also active measures for combating soreness and stiffness. Muscle massagers like foam rollers are an excellent way of accelerating recovery.


When you are setting out on this year’s fitness journey, start well and end well with some forward planning, personal honesty, consistency, and perhaps a buddy to help you through the year. Deciding to change your lifestyle or continue improving takes a great deal of willpower and personal strength, and making sure you have the right equipment will give you all the help you can get. Our wide selection of fitness accessories, clothing, nutrition, and home gym equipment is sure to have everything you need to get started.

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