This new generation 5L Air Cooler is the best way to keep cool in your home or office. Using new cooling technology, this cooler features an even larger coverage and cools a greater distance. Featuring three speed settings, which are High, Medium and Low, and three wind modes, which are Normal, Natural and Sleep - this makes it easier than ever for you to find your desired cooling with minimal hassle. This cooler has 3 different functions - it can operate as a fan, a humidifier and an air cooler. The 'swing' mode oscillates the blades to spread the cool air across a 60 degree angle. The built-in timer also allows you to choose how long you want the air cooler on for, ranging between 1-7 hours. This cooler is so cost efficient, you won't have to worry about leaving it running through the night. Using its 55W motor, this cooler will only cost 9p for 12 hours of runtime - making it much more efficient than other coolers on the market.
CDS (Superstores International) is not a lender and acts only as an introducer. The credit product is provided by Klarna Financial Services UK Limited (publ). Credit is only available to permanent UK residents aged 18 and over, depending on their status. Terms and conditions apply. Please note that Pay in 30 days and Pay in 3 instalments are not regulated by the FCA.
Made to order products are crafted especially for you, so they'll take a little longer to reach your door. The estimated delivery time you’ll see on the product page and in your basket takes into account the extended lead time. To ensure your order goes smoothly and you've made the right choice, please check the following:
Please check our Made To Order terms and conditions
By working with a variety of trusted Range Marketplace Partners, we’re able to offer our customers a wider selection of products.
When buying partner items like this one, your contract of sale will be with our Range Marketplace Partner instead of The Range.
To learn more about The Range Marketplace and our partners, visit our Range Marketplace page here.
Made to Order items are excluded from our Trusted Partner's standard Cooling Off and Change of Mind policies.
Our Trusted Partner will take 48 hours from the moment your order is placed to process it before they begin building your product. After this time, the product is non-returnable.
Full details can be found in our returns policy
By working with a variety of trusted Range Marketplace Partners, we’re able to offer our customers a wider selection of products.
When buying partner items like this one, your contract of sale will be with our Range Marketplace Partner instead of us.
To learn more about The Range Marketplace and our partners, visit our Range Marketplace page here
Made to Order products are those that we make especially for you and so can take a little longer to arrive. They are also excluded from our standard cooling off and change of mind policies. It takes 48 hours for us to process your order before we begin to make your product for you. After this time all Made to Order products are non-returnable and cannot be cancelled. To ensure your order goes smoothly and you are happy with your Made to Order product, please check the following:
Please check our Made To Order terms and conditions